The TL/DR Version

"Good Boy Heart w/ Bad Boy Charm"

"I am not a role model"

I have almost no filter, and I am very uninhibited. I think it provides a freedom that we don’t get very often today.

  • I do a lot of things wrong – repeatedly;

  • I forget things – important things;

  • I remember things – stupid things;

But in a few ways, I think I am a pretty good person. I am my own person — I have been for most of my adult life, and I’m not going to stop being unique. In a world of snowflakes, I haven’t found anyone like me – that’s probably a good thing. I like that about me.

I was once provided a description of myself as a reminder as to who I am (because like everyone does, I get lost from time to time):

'A man who knows there has to be more. The man who can preach his heart of belief in what can be, of spirituality and man, of life and how to live it.

A heart of value, a mind of never ending fascinations, curiosities, excitements and ideas. The entertainer who doesn’t act for others, but instead acts for the pleasure of the challenge and artistry of performance.'

At the end of the day, I want to make the most out of life that I can. I find that challenges teach you more about the world, about yourself and about the limits you can endure. Hopefully, you’ll be better for it. In other words, try anything and everything at least twice — and enjoy the ride.